A Sneak Peek on A Few Fascinating Facts about Long Island
  • 05/20/20 11:36 AM
  • Siddik Yalcinkaya
  • Car Services

Long Island's Role in America’s Aviation History

Do you have plans to make a visit to Long Island NY once the COVID19 outbreak gets over? Then in the meantime to keep you positive and encouraged towards your travel plans to our place, we at All Island Car and Limo Service, a premier airport car service provider in Long Island NY have brought you some of the interesting facts about Long Island NY. Check these out below –

Did You Know?

One of the first computer games was generated here!

Although video games have many separate precursors that were built independently during the period of 1940s to 1950s, one of the games called “Tennis for Two” was generated in Long Island. While planning out the annual Visitor’s Day, the staffers at Brookhaven National Laboratory found that visitors coming to these events were bored and then William Higginbotham, a nuclear physicist and head of the lab recruited a pair of colleagues and built the game.

The game was surprisingly loved by the Long Islanders. After the success of the first version Higginbotham created a bigger and better version for the1959 Visitor’s Day, but unfortunately, it was never sold. However, Stony Brook University honored the game by establishing the William A. Higginbotham Game Studies Collection in the year 2011.

The Famous Flight of Charles Lindbergh Began on Long Island

Charles Lindbergh took off on May 20,1927 at 7:52 am from Roosevelt Field, which is a part of a long-gone airport where today a Nassau County shopping mall is situated. It took him thirty-three hours and 30 minutes to reach Paris, France. It was the first-ever solo and nonstop intercontinental flight in human history.

Shop Inside a Giant Duck-Shaped Building

It is believed that in the 1870s fast-growing Pekin Ducks were shipped to Long Island from China en masse. During the late 1950s and early 1960s the duck industry in Long Island produced almost 8 million ducks per year. Today, however, you can find only one duck farm in Long Island. But to mark the successful duck production, the Long Island’s Atlantic League baseball franchise is named as The Ducks. Besides that in Flanders, you can find a 20-foot tall and 30-foot long duck statue which was built by farmer Martin Maurer in the year 1931. After the completion of the building, he set up shop right inside the duck’s belly where he sold eggs and real birds. Today this building is a one-stop superstore where you can discover duck-related memorabilia.

Find the Oldest Lighthouse at Montauk Point in New York State

In 1792 Congress bought land for the lighthouse at Montauk Point worth $255.12 as many a vessel used to wreck on it. The lighthouse was later completed in 1797 and became the first American structure to be seen by millions of immigrants. During the Second World War, the US armed forces used the site as a strategic fire control station.

Long Island was rechristened as “The Island of Nassau”

New York’s General Assembly announced on 10th April 1693 that Long Island has been officially rechristened. “Be it Enacted,” read the decree, “... That the Island usually called and recognized by the name of Long Island shall from hereafter be called the Island of Nassau.”The intention behind this step was to honor King of England and member of the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau William III. However, the renaming did not go well with everyone and the idea was dropped! But centuries later in 1898 the name Nassau resurfaced and was given to one of the four counties of Long Island.

Want to learn more such facts? Go through the source below!


To make your journey in Long Island even more enjoyable and hassle-free consider our superior airport car service . Our knowledgeable and experienced chauffeurs will make your trip from the airport to your destination smooth.

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